Finding Calm in a Hive of Activity
Have you ever been so busy that you forget to eat? Or “gasp!” use the bathroom? This writer certainly has had her fair share of those days. They’re actually pretty common. However, far from despising them, if you have the right tools and sense of humor, you can keep the tears and panic attacks at bay. Here are my top 3 tips for sanity when your plates runneth over with work.
Focus on one thing at a time.
Lists are your friends. If your team starts lobbing project after project your way, you can refer them gently to your list. Ask your coworkers for prioritization so you can focus on what you’re working on—not the 27 other things being dropped in your lap. Focusing on how much you have to do rather than the job at hand only serves to leave you in a puddle of anxiety under your desk.
Delegate, delegate, delegate.
Are there 15 simple things on your list that you know are easy but are weighing on your mind like a ton of bricks? Find someone else to help! We’re all on the same team and here to support each other. Once upon a time, we all had our lanes and we stuck to them. But that’s just not the case outside of the massive corporate shops. Is there a PM with a knack for words? Put ‘em to work on some social posts. Is your editor a whiz at PowerPoint? Let ‘em take a whack at formatting your next deck…editing it along the way. It’s a “two-fer”! The point is, the struggle doesn’t have to be yours alone.
Give it a rest.
Sometimes there are simply not enough hours in the day. But you know what? Sometimes a short break is all you need to come back and knock things off your list. Whether it’s a walk or yes, even a nap (best thing to happen to me since this whole WFH thing), you can come back refreshed and clear-headed—not panicked with a nagging pain in your back from sitting for hours straight. There is ALWAYS time for a break and your brain and body need it.
When it’s all said and done, ultimately, realizing no one is an island goes a LONG way toward easing the strain of those stressful, non-stop days. At SFC we’re all so busy, but we’re also here for each other. The ONE team thing isn’t just an idea. It’s a way of life, and it may just save your sanity. Creative that moves the needle without driving anyone mad in the process is a true team effort where we all have a say (provided it’s delivered in a timely, forthright manner).